David Kiesling: Von -3.00/-2.50 zu 20/20 ohne Brille

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David Kiesling: Von -3.00/-2.50 zu 20/20 ohne Brille

Beitragvon lukita » 06.09.2014 21:48

iblindness.org hat geschrieben:David [...] had observable vision problems as an infant and was prescribed glasses when he entered school at 5 years old. He eventually wore glasses with a -3.00/-2.50 prescription for myopia and slight astigmatism. He also had intermittent strabismus. He studied the subject of vision improvment, picking up things from reading Dr. Bates’s books and articles and other authors’ books, talking with many people who have partially or completely recovered their vision, attending workshops and lectures by vision improvement teachers and researchers, and observing how people with normal and low vision function. He improved his vision to be able to read 20/30 to 20/20 on the eye chart and rarely has episodes of strabismus anymore.

Quelle: http://www.iblindness.org/about/
1986 Brille R sph -1.50 cyl -0.00, L sph -1.50 cyl -0.00
2008 Brille R sph -4.75 cyl -1.00, L sph -5.00 cyl -0.00
2013-04 Beginn Sehtraining
2013-09 Augenblicke mit Visus > 0.7 ohne Brille

Mein Ziel: Ein Leben ganz ohne Brille
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Registriert: 05.05.2013 23:38
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David Kiesling: Von -3.00/-2.50 zu 20/20 ohne Brille

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