Hi Jacob,
von den beiden Methoden habe ich keine Ahnung, weil es hier in diesem Forum um Augen-/Sehtraining geht und nicht um Operationen u.ä.
jakob_S hat geschrieben:Ich bin 30 und schwachsichtig auf einem Auge. Das Auge (-5 Diop.) kann mit der Brille nicht korrigiert werden.
Dazu fällt mir die Geschichte der Emily ein, die ihre Klassenkameraden behandelt hat:
The second girl explained that Emily had had her read the card, which she could not see at all from the back of the room, at a distance of a few feet. The next day she had moved it a little farther away, and so on, until the patient was able to read it from the back of the room, just as the other children did. Emily now told her to cover the right eye and read the card with her left, and both girls were considerably upset to find that the uncovered eye was apparently blind. The school doctor was consulted and said that nothing could be done. The eye had been blind from birth and no treatment would do any good.
Nothing daunted, however, Emily undertook the treatment. She told the patient to cover her good eye and go up close to the card, and at a distance of a foot or less it was found that she could read even the small letters. The little practitioner then proceeded confidently as with the other eye, and after many months of practice the patient became the happy possessor of normal vision in both eyes. The case had, in fact, been simply one of high myopia, and the school doctor, not being a specialist, had not detected the difference between this condition and blindness.
http://www.iblindness.org/ebooks/perfec ... sses/ch28/