Artikel von Mantak Chia

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Artikel von Mantak Chia

Beitragvon meerfelix » 28.01.2017 16:18

Es ist kein ganzes Buch. Es ist ein recht langer Artikel auf englisch, der sich mit dem Thema Augenheilung befasst. Ich hab ihn noch nicht ganz gelesen, doch habe ich bis jetzt einen ganz guten Eindruck. Vielleicht kann ich ihn lesen und dann die wichtigsten Anwendungen und herausragensten Erkenntnisse hier zusammenfassen.
1. sehschwäche mit 13J. augenarzt diagnostiziert: ca. -2 auf Beiden augen
schnell kommt ein Asti dazu dann weitere schwächen bis auf -3
Sehtraining angefanhen mit 23 Jahren. I CAN AND I WILL
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Artikel von Mantak Chia

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Re: Artikel von Mantak Chia

Beitragvon Ninja-Eye » 01.02.2017 18:29

Lieber Meerfelix,

oh ja ein sehr langer Artikel. Mir momentan zu lang zu lesen, wenn auch sicherlich interessant.
Also, wenn du mal Lust hast den zusammenzufassen, ich wäre daran interessiert :-).

Liebe Grüße

Profi Mitglied
Profi Mitglied
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Wohnort: Düren bei Köln

Re: Artikel von Mantak Chia

Beitragvon merukando » 01.02.2017 19:38

Hallo Felix,

danke für den Link. Sehr umfassende nützliche Information.

Ich kopiere mal was heraus. Die Exhaling bull technique habe ich gerade ausprobiert. Funktioniert super. Den Teil zum blinzeln finde ich auch hochinteressant " a healthy person's eye can go without blinking for many minutes".

The "Exhaling Bull Technique" for Eye Power and Rejuvenation
All animals know instinctively the value of exhalation. You have often heard the horse blowing through its nostrils or a dog panting or coughing with vigor. Professor Godfrey Rodrigues says in his book "Key to Life," "What animal has more strength for its size than a bull? When he blows air through his nostrils, it reacts like a fountain of force. The bull knows that the more he exhales, the stronger and stronger he becomes. Continually "blowing" or exhaling, the larger his chest grows, the smaller his waist becomes, and the more poisonous waste is eliminated from his lungs." Here is an excellent exercise given by Dr. George Clements, a Natural Health Doctor and author of many health books. How to perform the "Exhaling Bull Technique": "Exhale to the limit blowing your breath out as long as possible; increase the exhalation by hard coughing; then hold your breath for a few seconds. This creates a suction in the lungs that draws more poison from the body; finally blow out the last bit of air. In removing the stale air, we make more room for fresh air to come in. After exhaling as much air out of the lungs as possible, inhalation will be deep and effortless." Foul air lowers our vitality, while fresh air gives us more vim and vigor. You will notice that after a session of this "Exhaling Bull Technique", your eyesight will be clearer and sharper. This encourages you to perform it every day. You finally get the idea of how important this exhaling technique is for relaxing and rejuvenating your eyes, lungs and health.

To "Blink" or Not to "Blink" that is the Question!
Michio Kushi, the leading exponent of macrobiotics in the world, the founder of the East West Foundation and the Kushi Institute, and author of many books on health and diet, has some interesting things to say about eye blinking and health: "The standard speed of blinking is three times per minute, or once every twenty seconds. The less blinking the better. Blinking is closing the eyes more, which is a sign of excess yin [water in the body]. "A healthy person's eyes can go without blinking for many minutes; a baby hardly blinks at all. A person who blinks less is currently in a more active sharp condition, in both physical and mental character. "A person who blinks more than three times per minute is in a state of declining health, due to the consumption of excessive liquid, fruit and sugar.
"If blinking is abnormally frequent, a person is suffering from nervous disorders and is experiencing extreme sensitivity, fear and irritability. If we blink more and more we finally close our eyes and die."

Eye-Blinking Relative to Inner Health, Energy and Personal Magnetism
"We have our best health as babies and young children, provided our parent's diet was good before our birth. Babies are relatively clean and contracted internally. Did you ever notice that babies rarely blink their eyes while awake, babies also do not show much 'whites' around the iris. Why? Because their cells, tissues, nervous system and brain is not expanded with yin foods: excess water, sugar, fruit, pop, sugars, coffee, alcohol, drugs etc. "I have observed drug addicts and some people on high yin diets (exclusive raw foods: fruit, vegetables, juices, sprouts etc.), blinking fifteen to twenty times or more per minute. They are high-strung, nervous, oversensitive, super-critical, negative, paranoid and fearful. One can sense an uneasy tension surrounding them. They show a lot of eye-whites, which indicates an expanded nervous system and excess water retention. "A healthy magnetic man or woman is calm and peaceful. They hardly blink at all. Their face glows and they have magnetic eyes, with very little eye whites showing. You don't feel nervous or tense around them. They are positive, creative and courageous, without paranoia or fear. They see reality, people and the world with clear insight. "Excess water or other liquid intake expands the kidneys and bladder, which can lead to water on the brain. The brain, like a camera, records pictures taken in through the eyes. Our eyes are like the aperture of a camera. "Excess water in the body cells and brain causes one to blink involuntarily in an effort to rid the body of excess water (yin). Contrary to the "modern experts," blinking more does not lubricate the eyes, the eye muscles, eye nerves, or tear duct glands. Excess blinking is the result of excess mucous and watery lubrication in the eyes and body tissues. "When you are healthy, fit, rested, calm and peaceful, you need not worry about blinking--your body will take care of that task for you. A healthy person blinks two or three times a minute. More blinking only shows internal imbalance and poor health. Chinese Natural Medicine teaches us that excess blinking also indicates a weak expanded (yin) liver, a major cause of nearsightedness (myopia). Observe people in your surroundings. Put this knowledge to the acid test. Watch for signs, symptoms and characteristics in yourself and others. Knowledge without practical experience is useless. Above all, observe yourself. Are you blinking excessively? Are you myopic or farsighted? Is your health below par? Energy low? Do you get fatigued easily? Why? Keep digging and probing for the answers, and they will eventually be given to you. "Knock and the door shall be opened. Ask and you shall receive." After all, it is your own health and vision! Why not do something to improve your health and vision .
Umgib Dich mit dem, was du selbst sein willst, hab höhere Ansprüche an Dich selbst, setze diese Ansprüche um, koche Dein Essen selber und lebe zuckerfrei
Lebende Forenlegende
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Registriert: 05.02.2013 14:09

Re: Artikel von Mantak Chia

Beitragvon Ninja-Eye » 01.02.2017 21:04

Ja, danke für den Artikel Felix. Ich habe jetzt nur ein paar Punkte gelesen. Aber bisher sehr interessant.
Auch diesen Teil hier:

Are Eye Glasses Necessary?
When I first started natural eye training I made the mistake of throwing away my eye glasses from the start. Discarding the eyeglasses while my eyes were still weak, actually slowed down my eye improvement for many years. Here is the reason why I believe this to be true: Straining to see without glasses too soon places excess strain and tension on the eyes and brain. Visit your local optometrist and ask for weaker lenses, or ask him to grind down your present glasses a half diopter. Vision Therapists prescribe a 20-30 lens, so that you can constantly improve your vision. As your vision fitness improves over the months and years, have your eye doctor give you weaker lenses for your glasses until you reach a point where they can be dispensed with entirely. Do not rush this process. It takes times to strengthen weak vision. Please learn from my personal experience and heed this advice, especially if your vision is very weak and blurry. When your vision reaches 20-50 without glasses, you can use your natural vision occasionally without undue eye strain. Of course, you need to wear glasses while driving or looking into the distance. Once you are able to see 20-30 or better, you can dispense with glasses, entirely. If you have close vision problems (farsightedness), wear the weakest lens that still enables you to see the print Gradually, have the lenses weakened by your optometrist until you no longer need glasses to perform close work or reading. Eye glasses and 'contacts' are at best a "crutch" for the eyes; they do not halt poor vision or stop the cause of faulty vision. We need to look for the individual cause or causes of weak vision. The cause can usually be found in poor eye habits, junk foods. nutritional deficiencies, toxic liver and colon, excessive eye straining, close work etc. At odd times during the day, remove your glasses to accustom your eyes to see naturally without them. If you practice these eye training routines with patience, determination and dedication, you too may soon have perfect sight without glasses. Stick to it! You must give it time.
Profi Mitglied
Profi Mitglied
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Registriert: 12.12.2016 00:20
Wohnort: Düren bei Köln

Re: Artikel von Mantak Chia

Beitragvon Ninja-Eye » 01.02.2017 21:07

Danke für deine Zitate aus dem Artikel, Merukando. Sehr interessant.

Es wird dort ja beschrieben, dass so viel Blinzeln gar nicht so gut ist und es eher einen kranken Zustand zeigt.
Dabei steht doch in einigen Augenbüchern, dass man viel blinzeln soll und dass Menschen mit normaler Sicht mehr blinzeln als Menschen mit einer Sehschwäche.
Also stimmt das doch nicht?
Profi Mitglied
Profi Mitglied
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Registriert: 12.12.2016 00:20
Wohnort: Düren bei Köln

Re: Artikel von Mantak Chia

Beitragvon merukando » 01.02.2017 21:29

gerade ausprobiert:

Another method to free up liquid in the eyes is to grasp first the upper lids between thumb and first Finger and vibrate rapidly. Do the same with the lower lids. You will be able to hear the liquid as it is released from around the eye."

ungewöhnlich aber wirkungsvoll. Hat mich sehr überrascht.
Umgib Dich mit dem, was du selbst sein willst, hab höhere Ansprüche an Dich selbst, setze diese Ansprüche um, koche Dein Essen selber und lebe zuckerfrei
Lebende Forenlegende
Lebende Forenlegende
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Re: Artikel von Mantak Chia

Beitragvon Ninja-Eye » 01.02.2017 21:42

Ich lese den Artikel jetzt doch durch, obwohl er lang ist und ich finde es lohnt sich.

Ich könnte mehrere Dinge hier jetzt posten.

Hier ist ein Tipp zum Augenbaden: Gereinigtes Wasser mit ein paar Tropfen Zitronensaft. Das werde ich mal ausprobieren.

Und damit ich es nicht wieder vergesse, die zitierte Stelle hier:

Eye Habit Number Three - The Invigorating Lemon Juice Eye Bath

Dr. William Apt, a leading eye specialist in the mid-1900s, recommended the Lemon Juice Eye Bath. He stumbled upon this secret from a 105 year old man. He instructed Dr. Apt to "put three or four drops of lemon juice in an eye cup with purified water and wash the eyes with it daily for about 20-30 seconds with each eye." Dr. Apt says it is invigorating and strengthening. It removes toxic fatigue of the eye. This ancient oldster washes his eyes daily, eats natural foods, wears no glasses, and has perfect eyesight! The Lemon Juice Eye Bath is also recommended to cure cataracts, with osteopathic treatment, plus a strict seven-day elimination (vegetable and fruit) diet, once a month. The continuous practice of these eye improvement secrets will eventually help you to see clearly what you cannot see now.
Profi Mitglied
Profi Mitglied
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Registriert: 12.12.2016 00:20
Wohnort: Düren bei Köln

Re: Artikel von Mantak Chia

Beitragvon Ninja-Eye » 01.02.2017 21:57

So habe den Artikel noch nicht halb gelesen und finde ihn bisher sehr gut, hilfreich und mit vielen, neuen Aspekten und auch sehr motivierend.

Noch eine Textstelle über das Augentraining allgemein und welche Übungen man täglich bzw. wöchentlich machen kann:

Important Inspirational Eye Training Note:

your eyes are your most precious possession. Consistent practice of the eye techniques in this chapter will allow you to always keep your "precious possessions" for a long, healthy and happy lifetime. Stick with it! You must give your eyes time to strengthen and heal. Let it be done! We wish you much success in your quest for "Perfect Eyesight."

What is Progressive Eye Training
Each month make your eye routine more progressive and challenging. Perform more repetitions. Walk back further away from the eye chart. Increase Palming time and frequency. Change your eye routine or perform different eye exercise for your specific eye condition. Progressive eye training exercises increase circulation to the eyes for quicker eye improvement. If your eyes get overly sore or fatigued from eye training, take a rest-break for two or three days from your eye routine to allow nerve, tendon and eye muscle healing and repair.

Vision improves during rest

Always move your eyes smoothly during the eye muscle exercises. Smooth eye movements relax the eyes, which helps you to see clearly. Keep practicing until you perform all eye routines smoothly and calmly. When you reach Perfect Eyesight--20-10 or better, a 15 minute eye routine, once a week, is enough to maintain perfect vision. Also, continue your daily natural eye habits for life. You can prevent eye problems and maintain Perfect Eyesight for as long as you live. Best wishes on your personal vision quest!

Eyesight Training Exercise Schedule -- Weekly Eye Training Program

1. Eye Muscle Exercises - 5 to 10 minutes two or three times a week
2. Side Vision Exercises (Peripheral) - 5 minutes, two or three times a week
3. Distance Seeing Exercises (For Nearsighted people) - 15 to 30 minutes, 2- 3 times a week
4. Close Seeing Exercises (For Farsighted people) - 15 to 30 minutes, 2-3 times a week
5. Yoga Neck Rolls - 3 minutes, two or three times a week Head, Face, Eye Massage - 5 minutes, two or three times a week
6. Taoist Yoga Chi Kung Constitutional Exercises -15 minutes, 2- 3 times a week

Daily Eye Training Program

1. Eye Palming - 5 to 10 minutes daily
2. Eye or Nose Edging and Tracing (Close & Distant)-3 to 5 minutes
3. Practice Distance Seeing throughout the day
4. Look Up From Your Close Work every 10-15 minutes
5. Hold book or reading material at least 20 inches from eyes
6. Sit and stand with a good posture
7. Eat wholesome nutritious foods for your Body Type
8. Stop eating lifeless junk food
9. Obtain sufficient rest and sleep
10.Go outside daily in the fresh air and sunshine
11. Go outside, look into the distance or take a slow walk after eating
12. Use natural, whole-food vitamins, minerals and herbs daily
13. Use herbal eye drops or take a Herbal Eye Bath
14. Head Lift Technique
Profi Mitglied
Profi Mitglied
Beiträge: 160
Registriert: 12.12.2016 00:20
Wohnort: Düren bei Köln

Re: Artikel von Mantak Chia

Beitragvon merukando » 01.02.2017 22:03

auch gerade ausprobiert. Super Idee. Druck, Muskelübung und Atem werden kombiniert

Taoist Secret Longevity Eye Exercise

This is a secret eye technique taught by long lived Taoist Masters from the mountains of China. These masters, never lose their vision and they are reportedly over one hundred years old and as spry as chickens! Master Da Liu, a Tai Chi Master from China, now living in New York, practices and teaches a variation of this exercise to his many students. Da Liu is 95 years young!

How to perform the Taoist Longevity Eye Exercise: Sit up with back straight. Close your eyes. With your 8rst two finger pads, press lightly on the closed eyelids.
1. Inhale gently, hold your breath and move eyes three times up and down. Exhale. Take a deep breath and relax! Repeat again.
2. Inhale gently. Hold breath, and move eyes three times sideways. Exhale. Take a deep breath and relax! Repeat again
3. Inhale gently. Hold breath. Move eyes in a clockwise direction three times. Exhale. Take a deep breath and relax! Repeat again.
4. Inhale gently. Hold breath. Move eyes in a counter-clockwise direction three times.

Exhale. Take a deep breath and relax! Repeat . While performing the eye movements, gently press your 8rrgers on your closed eyelids. The value of this special eye exercise lies in combining massage(eye pressing with fingers), breathing and eye movement simultaneously. You can also press the heel of your palm on the closed eyelids while performing this technique. We hope you have enjoyed reading Perfect Eyesight, as much as we enjoyed writing it. We challenge you now to take the next step in your quest for improved vision. That next step is practical application: Practice, Persistence and Consistency! Others have perfected their eyes, and so can you. Start on your eye training program today and enjoy the blessings of Perfect Eyesight for the rest of your long healthy life!
Umgib Dich mit dem, was du selbst sein willst, hab höhere Ansprüche an Dich selbst, setze diese Ansprüche um, koche Dein Essen selber und lebe zuckerfrei
Lebende Forenlegende
Lebende Forenlegende
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Registriert: 05.02.2013 14:09

Re: Artikel von Mantak Chia

Beitragvon Ninja-Eye » 01.02.2017 22:09

Ja da steckt ganz schön viel drin in dem Artikel. Super :-)
Profi Mitglied
Profi Mitglied
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Registriert: 12.12.2016 00:20
Wohnort: Düren bei Köln

Re: Artikel von Mantak Chia

Beitragvon Ninja-Eye » 01.02.2017 22:12

Wichtig: die Augenübungen mit Freude und Entspannung machen:

Perform the Eye Routines with Fun, Joy and Relaxation

Eye exercise performed mechanically, without focused attention, will not improve your vision. Be "in the moment" and be aware of each movement. Perfect eyesight requires total relaxation of the body, mind and eye muscles. Relax the eye muscles, let go of mouth and facial muscles, hands and shoulders. Let go of tightness in these areas. Become soft and relaxed--let go of hardness and rigidity. Eyesight improves more quickly and easily with relaxation and focused attention. Practice Yoga with a good teacher and learn to feel what it's like to be totally relaxed, grounded and centered. You can also relax with a Shiatsu massage, Rolfing treatment or any type of good deep massage technique. When both body, eye muscles and tendons are relaxed, vision improves more favorably during vision training exercises.
Profi Mitglied
Profi Mitglied
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Registriert: 12.12.2016 00:20
Wohnort: Düren bei Köln

Re: Artikel von Mantak Chia

Beitragvon merukando » 01.02.2017 22:15

Es wird dort ja beschrieben, dass so viel Blinzeln gar nicht so gut ist und es eher einen kranken Zustand zeigt.
Dabei steht doch in einigen Augenbüchern, dass man viel blinzeln soll und dass Menschen mit normaler Sicht mehr blinzeln als Menschen mit einer Sehschwäche.
Also stimmt das doch nicht?

Gute Frage

Wenn sich der ganze Kopf bzw. sogar der ganze Körper mit den Augen mitbewegt wie bei der Alexander Technik, blinzelt man deutlich weniger.

Der Drang zum Blinzeln kommt häufiger, wenn man die Augen ohne den Kopf bewegt

Probiers mal vor nem Spiegel aus.
Umgib Dich mit dem, was du selbst sein willst, hab höhere Ansprüche an Dich selbst, setze diese Ansprüche um, koche Dein Essen selber und lebe zuckerfrei
Lebende Forenlegende
Lebende Forenlegende
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Registriert: 05.02.2013 14:09

Re: Artikel von Mantak Chia

Beitragvon Ninja-Eye » 01.02.2017 22:21

Danke. Werde ich ausprobieren.

Es ist nur eine andere Sichtweise. Ich habe nämlich jetzt öfters versucht vermehrt zu blinzeln, weil ich gelesen habe, dass es so gut ist für die Augen u.a. zum Befeuchten der Augen und um nicht so zu starren.
Aber am Wochenende habe ich ein Dunkelheitsseminar mitgemacht und da saß man fast eine Stunde jeweils im Dunkeln und sollte auch wenn möglich nicht blinzeln und die Augen geöffnet lassen. Das soll auch zur Reinigung der Augen dienen (wie z.B. das Starren in eine brennende Kerze) und ich fand es auch sehr entspannend.
Profi Mitglied
Profi Mitglied
Beiträge: 160
Registriert: 12.12.2016 00:20
Wohnort: Düren bei Köln

Re: Artikel von Mantak Chia

Beitragvon Ninja-Eye » 01.02.2017 22:24

In dem Artikel steckt sehr viel.
Nicht nur für die Gesundheit/Sehkraft der Augen, auch viele allgemeine Sichtweisen auf das Leben:
Sehr inspirierend:

The Magic Formula for Success

If there is a "magic formula" for success and happiness, it is the "Thankful Attitude of Mind." Being thankful can lift you out of depression. Success in any endeavor is much easier with a thankful attitude. In fact, thankfulness is considered 'prayer' in the truest sense of the word. If we are thankful all day long, we are in touch with Divine Order--we are aware, mindful and respectful of others, nature and God. We are thankful for our life--our very existence. Everyone loves to associate with people who are bright, positive, appreciative and thankful. An attitude of self pity and depression is a curse; it paralyses your thoughts and actions. It stops you from attaining perfect eyesight and inner happiness. Begin today to be a positive person. Look for the truth. Be thankful for all the wonderful people and possessions in your life. See the beautiful in everyone and everything. Give yourself words of encouragement. Feel strength, courage and confidence flowing in your life. This is the real "Magic Formula for Success." Real success is not about money or material possessions or power over others. Real success and fulfillment in life comes from getting in harmony with the forces of nature and God or Tao. It is about being grounded, centered and balanced. Real success is deep inner contentment and happiness for just being in the moment during your daily work and activities. Every moment is a celebration of your eternal existence. Make your life constructive and creative. Your Divine Purpose will then be achieved.

Profi Mitglied
Profi Mitglied
Beiträge: 160
Registriert: 12.12.2016 00:20
Wohnort: Düren bei Köln

Re: Artikel von Mantak Chia

Beitragvon Ninja-Eye » 01.02.2017 22:34

Die "Exhaling Bull Technique", die Merukando schon in ihrem ersten Post zitiert hat, habe ich gerade auch ausprobiert und finde sie auch super.

Hier ist sie noch einmal:

The "Exhaling Bull Technique" for Eye Power and Rejuvenation
All animals know instinctively the value of exhalation. You have often heard the horse blowing through its nostrils or a dog panting or coughing with vigor. Professor Godfrey Rodrigues says in his book "Key to Life," "What animal has more strength for its size than a bull? When he blows air through his nostrils, it reacts like a fountain of force. The bull knows that the more he exhales, the stronger and stronger he becomes. Continually "blowing" or exhaling, the larger his chest grows, the smaller his waist becomes, and the more poisonous waste is eliminated from his lungs." Here is an excellent exercise given by Dr. George Clements, a Natural Health Doctor and author of many health books. How to perform the "Exhaling Bull Technique": "Exhale to the limit blowing your breath out as long as possible; increase the exhalation by hard coughing; then hold your breath for a few seconds. This creates a suction in the lungs that draws more poison from the body; finally blow out the last bit of air. In removing the stale air, we make more room for fresh air to come in. After exhaling as much air out of the lungs as possible, inhalation will be deep and effortless." Foul air lowers our vitality, while fresh air gives us more vim and vigor. You will notice that after a session of this "Exhaling Bull Technique", your eyesight will be clearer and sharper. This encourages you to perform it every day. You finally get the idea of how important this exhaling technique is for relaxing and rejuvenating your eyes, lungs and health.
Profi Mitglied
Profi Mitglied
Beiträge: 160
Registriert: 12.12.2016 00:20
Wohnort: Düren bei Köln

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